No subject

Sun May 10 12:18:15 CEST 2009

-g sets code_width, code_hegith, xmargin0, ymargin0
-t sets xmargin0, ymargin0, xmargin1, ymargin1
-m sets ximargin, yimargin (internal margins)

Note both -g (meant for single-bar-per-page) and -t (meant for page of
bars) set xmargin0 and ymargin0. The latter is the one that counts,
but it's better not to use -g for a table.

Then, we have xstep and ystep like this:

        int xstep = (page_wid - xmargin0 - xmargin1)/columns;
        int ystep = (page_hei - ymargin0 - ymargin1)/lines;

And a print instruction in the loop, for [xy] starting from 0:

	Barcode_Position(bc, code_width, code_height,
                        xmargin0 + ximargin + x * xstep,
                        ymargin0 + yimargin + y * ystep, 0.0) < 0)

So I think you need to discard -g, use internal margines (-m) to set borders
in each sticker and use -t alone to set the table. I've made some tests
with gv and it seems to work as advertised.

So let's see from your data that I repeat here:

> So we have horizontally:
> 14mm [51mm label] 14mm [51mm label] 14mm [51mm label] 14mm

> Vertically:
> 15mm (top margin)
> [15mm label]
> 3mm
> ... repeat x14 rows...
> 15mm (bottom margin)

horizonally: 0 out-of-table margine and 7mm internal margin
vertically: 13.5 out-of-table and 1.5 internal:

barcode  -e code39 -c -u 'mm' -p 210x297  -t 3x15+0+13.5 -m 7,1.5

I tried with "seq 100001 100045" piped to barcode as above and it looks

Hope this helps

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