[bglug] SuSE 7.3 - Cancellazione erronea di /dev/hdd

embyte bglug@lists.linux.it
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 18:38:51 +0200

Sunday 01 September 2002 23:33, piankhy wrote:
~ Mi =E8 stato sottoposto il seguente quesito : nel caso di cancellazione=
 file ~ di device (es. /dev/hdd corrsipondente a un cd-rom) come si fa a
~ ripristinarlo? Considerando che ogni file di dispositivo ha numeri
~ particolari (es . da mc detto file ha i seguenti numeri 22, 64) ? E cos=
~ significano questi numeri ? rappresentano il canale e l'irq ? Ho detto =
~ bestialit=E0 ?
~ Ciao. piankhy.

Da /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt :
    22 char
    block       Second IDE hard disk/CD-ROM interface
                  0 =3D /dev/hdc          Master: whole disk (or CD-ROM)
                 64 =3D /dev/hdd          Slave: whole disk (or CD-ROM)
per cui :
root@portatile:/dev# mknod hdd b 22 64

Oppure ti consiglio di utilizzare il dev_fs che fai prima:
 This is support for devfs, a virtual file system (like /proc) which
 provides the file system interface to device drivers, normally found
 in /dev. Devfs does not depend on major and minor number
 allocations. Device drivers register entries in /dev which then
 appear automatically, which means that the system administrator does
 not have to create character and block special device files in the
 /dev directory using the mknod command (or MAKEDEV script) anymore.

Doc le trovi qua: /usr/src/linux/Documentation/filesystems/devfs/

abilita queste due voci durante la configurazione del kernel:

ciao, embyte
UIN: 48790142 && MAILTO: embyte@madlab.it || embyte@bglug.it

It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon.
It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here.