[bglug] Distro per LD

Diego Tironi xiang@tiscalinet.it
Dom 26 Ott 2003 17:39:58 CET

./SuperbepS wrote:
> bhe secondo me nel giro di qualche giorno ci sara' qualche novita'
> ufficiale a rigurdo... vedremo e al massimo installeremo solo redhat
> :-(

Temat:      End of LG CD Mistery
Od:         Gonzalo <nomail@nomail.com>
Grupy:      alt.os.linux.mandrake
Message-ID: <tYOdnY9E8KqHNQaiRVn-hg@dsli.com>

Here's what happened:

LG has redefined a flush command that takes place to decide whether the
drive is a CD-RW. LG has redefined the flush command to mean
"upload firmware" (with predictable results).

To quote Juan Quintela from the Cooker list, "Yep, who ever decided at
that reusing for UPLOAD_FIRMWARE command FLUSH_CACHE command should be
shoot. Twice."

That this behavior has come to the fore as a result of enabling CD-RW
writing does not mean that LG is free of fault. This is a hardware issue
and even if Mandrake provides a workaround, this is less than an ideal

The right thing to do is for LG to release new firmware and contact all
its customers and tell them how to upgrade it.

So go complain to LG because this is serious. Unfortunately, I huge
of damage has been done to Mandrake. In the eyes of many new users, this
will come to be associated with Mandrake.

Hopefully, Mandrake will manage to recover from this issue. I find it
particularly sad because Mandrake 9.2 is very good for the most part.

...pessimismo e fastidio...

Ciao :-)

Diego Tironi - diego@tironi.net
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