[bglug] Linux e Zaurus

Manuel Licini manuel@chicca.net
Lun 16 Feb 2004 18:54:16 CET

OK, tutto risolto, ho seguito il link che mi hai fornito, una splendida
Per la mandrake ho seguito quanto segue (tratto dal link):

If you're using Mandrake by David Cafaro

No patch is needed at all. The usbdnet driver is already installed.
The only thing needed to do from the default mandrake install was change
two value in the modules.usbmap and add the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-usb0 file.

The ifcfg-usb0 file should contain the following:

In the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.usbmap file one line needs to be
changed. Look for a line that starts with the following: 
usbdnet              0x0193      0x40dd   0x8004    0x0000
usbdnet              0x0193      0x04dd   0x8004    0x0000

and change one of them to this:

usbdnet              0x0003      0x04dd   0x8004    0x0000
Note that you need to put an entry in the /etc/hotplug/usb.handmap file
and it will be reflected in the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.usbmap
file upon the rebuilding of the file. 
Only one line in the file needs to be changed as far as I can tell (the
other usbdnet lines are for different hardware, maybe?). I did find that
after two days my modules.usbmap file reverted back to it's original
version. I had to just change the one line again to get things working
once more. I don't know if that is just something flaky with my system,
or something more. Any ideas are welcome. Enjoy. 


I searched a little on the web and found the reason!
/lib/modules/.../modules.usbmap file is created by "depmod -a" (on 2.4
kernels). The correct way to add a device is to use the
/etc/hotplug/usb.handmap file and add a line there: (dont forget the
linefeed if its the last line in the file) usbdnet 0x0003 0x04dd 0x8004
0x0000 0x0000 0x02 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x01 0x00 0x00000000 

Il lun, 2004-02-16 alle 00:21, Baccanelli Massimo ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> bel giocattolino.
> Prova a dare un'occhiata al seguente link:
>     - http://www.ossh.com/zaurus/mirrors/docs.zaurus.com/links.shtml
> poi facci sapere.
> Anche se non molto economico potrei anche farci un pensierino.
> Bye
> MaX
> Manuel Licini wrote:
> > Ciao a tutti,
> > ho un problema, ho un palmare della Sharp (lo Zaurus) ed ho configurato
> > senza fatica il sincronismo dei dati in windows xp... ma con Linux non
> > riesco, ho controllato di aver installato (come modulo) il servizio
> > "USBD Network... Host-to-Host Link" e c'è!
> > Il seguente passaggio mi dice di configurare con ifconfig l'interfaccia
> > usb0... già quì mi dice che non trova la periferica.
> > Ho provato a lanciare il comando "usbview" e mi esce una finestrella con
> > "USB UHCI Root Hub" contenente la voce "SL Series". Quindi teoricamente
> > lo rileva ma....
> > Se lancio il sincronismo esce una finestrella sullo Zaurus dove mi dice
> > che non riesce a stabilire la connessione.
> > 
> > Dove sbaglio?
> > 
> > Manuel
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> >  

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