[bglug] Linux a computer acceso

Koan bglug@koansoftware.com
Gio 28 Apr 2005 18:16:29 CEST

>>Forse la questione è folle, ma perdonatel'ignoranza.
>>È possibile lanciare una distribuzione live senza il riavvio della 

Certo: con qemu

Ecco un bel.BAT

REM Start qemu on windows.

START qemu.exe -L . -m 128 -hda harddisk -cdrom klinux-live.iso -boot 
d -user-net -localtime


Marco Cavallini
Koan s.a.s. - Software Engineering
Linux and WinCE solutions for Embedded and Real-Time Software
Klinux : the embedded distribution for industrial applications
  - Atmel AT91 ARM Third Party Consultant
  - Intel PCA Developer Network member
  - Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner
Via Pascoli, 3  - 24121 Bergamo - ITALIA
Tel. (++39) 035-255.235 - Fax (++39) 178-223.9748
http://www.koansoftware.com  -  http://www.klinux.org

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