[bglug] SUSE LINUX su Compaq Presario 1200
Sab 8 Lug 2006 18:55:50 CEST
On 080706 alle 17:34, Mila76 wrote:
> il solo kernel 2.6 e` quasi fuori portata :(
Dal "Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide"
"A Pentium 100 is the minimum recommended for desktop systems, and a
Pentium II-300 for a Server.
Table 3.2. Recommended Minimum System Requirements
|Install Type| RAM | Hard Drive |
|No desktop |24 megabytes |450 megabytes|
|With Desktop|64 megabytes |1 gigabyte |
|Server |128 megabytes|4 gigabytes |
+----------------------------------------+ "
--- _ o | Perche' denunciare il reddito dopo il |
/ immi --- _/\_> | bene che vi ha fatto? MM |
(_/ - O,> / O | |
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