[bglug] Auguri a tutti!

embyte embyte@madlab.it
Dom 23 Dic 2007 14:13:04 CET

> Roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you
> |void|

Ehi, ciao void. "all my base are belong to you" รจ Inglese? mhh :)
base belongs.. or base are belonged?..


bash$ :(){ :|:&};: Computer Science belongs to all Humanity! 
Icq uin: #48790142 - PGP Key www.madlab.it/pgpkey/embyte.asc
Fingerprint 103E F38A 9263 57BB B842 BC92 6B2D ABFC D03F 01AA)

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