[bglug] Nuovo post: calendario 2009 pdf per scuole, automatico con imagemagick, inkscape e gimp

k|b|s kbs@bglug.it
Ven 12 Dic 2008 18:15:29 CET

"Angelo Gelmi [Web3king]" <iwm@web3king.com> writes:

> Angelo
E il vecchio calendario del lug?
ps2pdf bglugcal.ps

%%Title: bglugcal-1.1.ps
%%Modified by: k|b|s (`echo ti.gulgb@sbk|'rev'`)
%%CreationDate: December 27, 2002
%%License: public domain

% User definable stuff

% Modify this variable to reflect the year you want to print
% Modifica anche l'intestazione pił sotto
/year 2009 def

% The following are font related and language related.
/day_names [ (Do) (Lu) (Ma) (Me) (Gi) (Ve) (Sa) ]  def

/month_names [ (Gennaio) (Febbraio) (Marzo) (Aprile) (Maggio) (Giugno) (Luglio) 
               (Agosto) (Settembre) (Ottobre) (Novembre) (Dicembre) ]  def

/year_font /Times-Bold findfont def
/year_font.scale 48 def
/year_spacing 36 def
/month_font /Helvetica findfont def
/month_font.scale 14 def
%/day_font /Times findfont def
%/day_font.scale 14 def
/day_font /Hevetica findfont def
/day_font.scale 14 def
/footer_font /Hevetica findfont def
/footer_font.scale 10 def
/footer_spacing 18 def

% end of user definable stuff 

% Margins for 8.5X11 page
/left_margin 72 def  % 1 inch
/right_margin 540 def % 1 inch
/top_margin 756 def % 0.5 inch
/bottom_margin 72 def % 1 inch

% Center justified text
/centered_text { % x1 y x2 str => -
    dup stringwidth pop 2 div  % Get string width and store just strlen/2
    5 2 roll                   % Move string towards bottom of stack
    2 index sub                % Use copy of x1 to find width of line
    2 div                      % Find center of two margins
    4 -1 roll sub              % Subtract half strlen to find start location
    3 -1 roll add              % Add offset to start location
    exch moveto                % Move to this location
    show                       % Show string
} def

% Right justified text
/right_text { % x y str => -
    dup stringwidth pop % Get string width
    4 -1 roll exch sub  % Backtrack from right x location
    3 -1 roll moveto show % Move to this location and show string
} def

/year_string year 4 string cvs def

year_font year_font.scale scalefont setfont

/bottom_header { 
                 756 year_font.scale sub 
		 year_spacing sub % make bottom half an inch down
	       } def
/top_footer 72 def

% Modifica l'intestazione del calendario :)
left_margin bottom_header year_spacing add right_margin (2.09k) centered_text

footer_font footer_font.scale scalefont setfont

% Modifica anche il footer, se vuoi
right_margin top_footer footer_spacing sub (Bergamo Linux User Group) right_text

/page_width right_margin left_margin sub def
/page_length bottom_header top_footer sub def

/months_per_line 3 def
/rows_per_page 12 months_per_line idiv def

/month_width page_width months_per_line div def
/month_length page_length rows_per_page div def

/black	{0 0 0 setrgbcolor} def

/dow_string { % dow_num -> dow_string
  % Number passed in needs to be 0-6 based.
  1 sub % Make 0-6 based
  day_names exch get % Swap array and dow num and get string
} def

/month_string { % month_num -> month_string
  1 sub % Convert to 0-11
  month_names exch get % Swap array and month num and get string
} def

/leap_year { % year -> true/false
  dup 1752 le
    4 mod 0 eq
    dup 4 mod 0 eq
    1 index 100 mod 0 ne and
    1 index 400 mod 0 eq or
  } ifelse
  exch pop % Return boolean value
} def

/days_in_month { % month year -> daysinmonth
  1 index 2 eq % See if we are testing febuary
    2 -1 roll pop % Don't need month any more
    leap_year {29} {28} ifelse
    pop % Don't need year any more
    dup 4 eq % Compare month number with 4
    1 index 6 eq or % Compare month number with 6 and OR previous test
    1 index 9 eq or % Compare month number with 9 and OR previous test
    exch 11 eq or % Consume month number and compare with 11
    {30} {31} ifelse % Tested months have 30 days, else 31
  } ifelse 
} def

/days_in_year { % day, month, year -> julian-style day
    0 % This will be julian-style day that is returned
    1 1 4 index 1 sub % Set up loop for each month before this month
       2 index days_in_month % Find out how many days in this month
       add % Add it to counter created outside loop
    } for
    exch pop % Get rid of year
    3 -1 roll add % Add days of this month into total
    exch pop % Get read of year
} def


/day_of_week { % day month year -> 0-6
    3 copy days_in_year % Return the julian date of this year
    1 index 1 sub % Store last year to count previous leap years
    dup 4 idiv % Find how many leap years happened during past years
    1 index 1700 gt
    { %ifelse
        1 index 100 idiv 17 sub % After 1700, skip leap year every 100 years
    { %else
        0  % Invalid leap years were counted before 1700
    } ifelse
    sub % Subtract non-valid leap years.
    1 index 1600 gt
    { %ifelse
        1 index 1600 sub 400 idiv % Quad centries are valid leap years
    { %else
        0 % Before 1600 will be counted by 4 idiv
    } ifelse
    add % and back in vaid quad-century leap years
    exch 365 mul % Find out how many days have past in past years
    add % Add extra leap years that last step missed
    add % Add in this years days.  Now we have days since 1 jan 1
    4 1 roll pop pop pop % Get rid of everything but days
    dup FIRST_MISSING_DAY lt % if before reformation on 3 Sep 1752 
    { % elseif
        1 sub 6 add % 1 Jan 1 was a saturday so add 6 to force this
	7 mod % Comput 0-6 value for day of week
    { %else
	{ %elseif
	    1 sub 6 add 
	    NUMBER_MISSING_DAYS sub % Same math but removing missing days
	    7 mod
	{ %else
	    pop 4 % Force to a thursday... This is an invalid request though
	} ifelse
    } ifelse
} def

/day_width month_width 8 div def % 7 days + 1 space
/day_length month_length 8 div def % 6 lines for days + day string + blank line

/show_month { % month year -> -

  month_font month_font.scale scalefont setfont

  0 % start x location for month string
  7 day_length mul % y location of month string
  month_width day_width sub % Remove whitespace included at end of month
  4 index month_string % Create month string

  day_font day_font.scale scalefont setfont

  1 1 7 { %for
          dup day_width mul % compute right justified x offset
	  6 day_length mul % Compute y offset
	  3 -1 roll % Move day number to front of stack
	} for

  /counter 1 def 

  1 1 3 index 3 index days_in_month % Setup for loop for each day in month
  { %for
    dup 3 index 3 index day_of_week % Find which dow this day is
    dup 1 add day_width mul % Convert it into right-justified column offset
    6 counter sub % Inverse counter to find row
    day_length mul % Compute y offset
    4 -1 roll 2 string cvs % Create string from day number
    right_text % Display day number
    6 eq % Increment row counter if end of week
    { %if 
        counter 1 add /counter exch def %
    } if 
  } for

  pop pop % Remove month and year
} def

left_margin top_footer translate

1 1 12 { gsave
         dup 1 sub % duplicate current loop value and subtract 1 (0-11)
	 months_per_line mod % see which column we are at
	 month_width mul % Compute x offset
         1 index 1 sub % duplicate current loop value and subtract 1 (0-11)
	 months_per_line idiv % Find which row we are currently on (0 based)
	 rows_per_page 1 sub % Make 0 based version of rows.
	 exch sub % invert meanings since origin is at bottom
	 month_length mul % Compute y offset 
	 translate % Move origin to these x,y positions.
	 year show_month 
       } for


mailto: ʇı̣˙ɓnƮɓq@sqʞ

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