[Tech] Aiuto su /var/log/messages

Marco Santini msantini@unifi.it
Ven 1 Dic 2000 00:43:41 CET

In /var/log/messages trovo ogni pochi secondi uniformemente sulle tutte le 24 ore:

Nov 30 03:29:44 localhost: kernel: Packet log: input REJECT ppp0 PROTO=103 L=42 S=0xC0 I=58404 F=0x0000 T1 (#6)

dove cambia via via la data e il numero I=XXXXX
Immagino che sia il risultato del lavoro di Ipchains :)
Ma non riesco a capire perchè questa insistenza.
La macchina è connessa con una ADSL ed ha un IP statico.
In fondo ho riportato la parte di input del firewall.
Ciao, Marco.

  # Incoming, flush and set default policy of reject. Actually the default policy
  # is irrelevant because there is a catch all rule with deny and log.
  ipchains -F input
  ipchains -P input REJECT

  # local interface, local machines, going anywhere is valid
  ipchains -A input -i $intint -s $intnet -d -j ACCEPT

  # remote interface, claiming to be local machines, IP spoofing, get lost
  ipchains -A input -i $extint -s $intnet -d -l -j REJECT

  # remote interface, any source, going to permanent PPP address is valid
  ipchains -A input -i $extint -s -d $extip/32 -j ACCEPT

  # loopback interface is valid.
  ipchains -A input -i lo -s -d -j ACCEPT

  # catch all rule, all other incoming is denied and logged. pity there is no
  # log option on the policy but this does the job instead.
  ipchains -A input -s -d -l -j REJECT

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