[Tech] [dj@delorie.com: Red Hat Abandons Sparc]
Christian Surchi
Lun 2 Ott 2000 15:04:01 CEST
Christian Surchi | csurchi@debian.org | christian@firenze.linux.it
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org
-----------------> http://www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi <------------------
You'll be called to a post requiring ability in handling groups of people.
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Un messaggio incapsulato è stato rimosso...
Da: SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>
Oggetto : Red Hat Abandons Sparc
Data: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 09:00:09 -0400
Dimensione: 1972
URL: <http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/flug-tech/attachments/20001002/adb6521f/attachment.eml>
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