[Tech] [Mike Starnes <mstarnes@nmteleport.com>] [NMLUG] Invasion of Privacy?

Cosimo Vagarini vaga@dada.it
Mar 19 Set 2000 12:23:00 CEST

Christopher R. Gabriel scrisse, il 19-Sep-2000
> Qualcuno ha mai sentito di una cosa del genere?
> Christopher Gabriel     www.linux.it/~cgabriel/
> Every time I start to play an audio cd on my RedHat 6.2 system packets
> are sent to toolnine.argh.org. Seems like invasion of privacy to me. Any
> comments?

Quello che lui ritiene essere toolnine.argh.org in realta' e':
freedb.freedb.org che e' un CDDB Server.

Gli ho gia' scritto in pvt.

| It could be that the purpose of your life |
| is only to serve as a warning to others.  |

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