[Tech] Richiesta di chiarimento su una pagina man
Leandro Noferini
Mer 12 Set 2001 23:18:29 CEST
Ciao a tutti,
no riesco a capire cosa significhi questa opzione del programma
-u Get/set interrupt-unmask flag for the drive. A
setting of 1 permits the driver to unmask other
interrupts during processing of a disk interrupt,
which greatly improves Linux's responsiveness and
eliminates "serial port overrun" errors. Use this
feature with caution: some drive/controller combi
nations do not tolerate the increased I/O latencies
possible when this feature is enabled, resulting in
massive filesystem corruption. In particular,
CMD-640B and RZ1000 (E)IDE interfaces can be unre
liable (due to a hardware flaw) when this option is
used with kernel versions earlier than 2.0.13.
Disabling the IDE prefetch feature of these inter
faces (usually a BIOS/CMOS setting) provides a safe
fix for the problem for use with earlier kernels.
Chi me la puņ spiegare, cortesemente?
Email: leandro@firenze.linux.it
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