[Tech] Errore compilando le nuove glib

Leandro Noferini leandro@firenze.linux.it
Lun 11 Mar 2002 06:52:11 CET

Ciao a tutti,

sto provando  a compilare le glib  1.3.15 (per arrivare,  con calma, a
Gnome2) perņ ottengo il seguente errore durante la compilazione:

/tmp/ccMo5hzs.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccMo5hzs.s:1100: Error: subtraction of two symbols in different sections `.LBB27' {*UND* section} - `g_bsearch_array_remove' {.text section} at file address 5240
/tmp/ccMo5hzs.s:1101: Error: subtraction of two symbols in different sections `.LBB28' {*UND* section} - `g_bsearch_array_remove' {.text section} at file address 5252
/tmp/ccMo5hzs.s:1102: Error: subtraction of two symbols in different sections `.LBE28' {*UND* section} - `g_bsearch_array_remove' {.text section} at file address 5264
/tmp/ccMo5hzs.s:1103: Error: subtraction of two symbols in different sections `.LBE27' {*UND* section} - `g_bsearch_array_remove' {.text section} at file address 5276
make[3]: *** [gbsearcharray.lo] Error 1


Email: leandro@firenze.linux.it
GPG Key fingerprint = CCF5 27C9 5E73 6DEF 53BD  346F AFA4 F6D2 3938 4158

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