[Tech] (fwd) Re: Compiling MIxmaster on OS X?

lnoferin@cybervalley.org lnoferin@cybervalley.org
Lun 2 Set 2002 15:05:01 CEST

Ciao a tutti,

come potrete leggere qua sotto mi sto imbarcando in una nuova avventura,
nella quale mi prefiggo di riuscire a far funzionare il suddetto
programma (mixmaster) anche su ppc.

La domanda che sono qui a porvi è la seguente: come faccio a rispondere
alle domande che mi vengono più avanti poste? Come faccio a mandargli
uno stack backtrace?

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From: Peter Palfrader <lusenet-200202@valiant.palfrader.org>
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Subject: Re: Compiling MIxmaster on OS X?
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 16:52:10 +0200
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lnoferinMANISUDICIE@cybervalley.org wrote:
> Salty Dog <s@lty.dog> scriveva:
> SD> I remember seeing instructions on how to compile Mixmaster in OS X, but
> SD> I can't remeber where I saw it or when for that matter. Can anybody
> SD> point me to some instructions or tell me how to go about it here, I'm
> SD> still learning the UNIX that is under the hood of OS X.

It builds fine on MacOS X once you get the include paths fixed and
replaced gcc with cc in the Makefiles.

> I cannot use mixmaster also on Linux on a powerpc processor: it compile
> but when I try to use it gives only "memory full" error message!

Some more information that just »doesn't work« would be apprechiated. A
stack backtrace, an strace or just instructions on how to reproduce it
for example.

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-> To answer me privately please remove MANISUDICIE from my address

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