[Tech] Re: problemi con scheda di rete
Franco Bagnoli
Mar 5 Ago 2003 11:41:03 CEST
A roposito dei problemi linux con la scheda GA-8SQ800, ecco qui
un suggerimento che ha funzionato:
(per trovare l'indirizzo di questo stefan cercate su google
con "Help needed - New(ish) hardware problem")
Hi there,
I actually have found a solution :)
I assume your problem is with linux....
For some reason, linux gets confused with
some Intel boards, and incorrectly uses the
APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller)
on the motherboard.
The result is that you lose half the interrupts going
to various hardware devices. (I found especially
PCI, AGP and USB devices )
The solution is to boot linux with the "noapic"
option. So at the lilo prompt you should do something like :
boot: linux noapic
After this, everything should work.
You can (if you use lilo) make this change
permanent by adding in your /etc/lilo.conf :
and re-running lilo. From then on your machine
should work perfectly.
Franco Bagnoli (franchino) <franco.bagnoli@unifi.it> (bagnoli@dma.unifi.it)
virtual location: Dipartimento di Energetica "S. Stecco"
real location: Dip. Matematica Applicata "G. Sansone", Universita' Firenze,
Via S. Marta, 3 I-50139 Firenze, Italy. Tel. +39 0554796422, fax: +39 055471787
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