[Tech] kernel 2.4 e transparent proxy
Aldo Podavini
Ven 22 Ago 2003 14:41:00 CEST
Vabbč, ci riprovo:
L'autore di Zorp - Balázs Scheidler - scrive (
http://www.balabit.com/products/oss/tproxy/ ):
> Real transparent proxying requires the following three features from
> the IP stack of the computer it is running on:
> 1 - Redirect sessions destined to the outer network to a local
> process using a packet filter rule.
> 2 - Make it possible for a process to listen to connections on a
> foreign address.
> 3 - Make it possible for a process to initiate a connection with a
> foreign address as a source.
> Item #1 is usually provided by packet filtering packages like
> Netfilter/IPTables, IPFilter.
> All three were provided in Linux kernels 2.2.x, but support for this
> was removed.
E per ovviare a questo passo indietro della 2.4 lui stesso ha scritto
una patch ( http://www.balabit.com/products/zorp_gpl/tutorial/ ) :
> The transparent proxy support that was present in Linux 2.2 was
> removed from Linux 2.4 when iptables was introduced. We implemented a
> patch against Linux 2.4 that adds the required features so Zorp
> tightly integrates into NetFilter/iptables.
Ma come ?!?
Forse che Squid, quando viene configurato per essere un transparent
proxy, non si mette proprio a "listen to connections on a foreign
address" , senza nessuna patch particolare ?!?
Capisco - forse - il punto 3 (HTTP non ha bisogno di connessioni
all'indietro, come invece FTP, per esempio, e quindi č un problema che
Squid non ha), ma il punto 2 proprio non lo capisco.
Serve davvero questa benedetta patch di Balázs ? E cosa avrebbe avuto la
2.2 che la 2.4 ha poi perso ?
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