[Tech] ide-cs bug ?

Marco A. Calamari marcoc1@dada.it
Lun 12 Feb 2007 13:36:11 CET

Sul mio portatile ho uno slot per memory card compact
 flash visto come disco ide su pcmcia.
Ho debian etch con kernel ricompilato 2.6.15
Suando parte udev il montaggio della partizione
 /dev/hde1 va in loop (prima parte del log)
 e se, anche dopo ammazzato udev estraggo la scheda
 ottengo un bel kernel panic.

Se stoppo udev, carico il modulo a mano e monto
 a mano il filesystem viene visto, ma non si riesce poi
 a smontarlo ed il kernel panic all'estrazione e' inevitabile.

C'e' qualcuno che puo' darmi una mano ?

Ciao e grazie.   Marco

Feb 10 11:47:54 mustafar kernel: pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot
Feb 10 11:47:54 mustafar kernel: pcmcia: registering new device
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: hde: SAMSUNG CF/ATA, CFA DISK drive
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: ide2 at 0xc100-0xc107,0xc10e on irq 3
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: hde: max request size: 128KiB
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: hde: 1006992 sectors (515 MB) w/1KiB
Cache, CHS=999/16/63
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: hde: cache flushes not supported
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel:  hde:hde: status error: status=0x20
{ DeviceFault }
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: ide2: reset: success
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel:  hde1
Feb 10 11:50:46 mustafar kernel: ide-cs: hde: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 0.0
Feb 10 11:50:47 mustafar kernel:  hde: hde1
Feb 10 11:51:20 mustafar last message repeated 279 times

Feb 10 11:52:16 mustafar kernel:  hde: hde1
Feb 10 11:52:16 mustafar kernel: ide_do_rw_disk - bad command: dev hde:
Feb 10 11:52:16 mustafar kernel: sector 0, nr/cnr 8/8
Feb 10 11:52:16 mustafar kernel: bio 00000000, biotail 00000000, buffer
00000000, data 00000000, len 0
Feb 10 11:52:16 mustafar kernel: cdb: 1b 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00
Feb 10 11:52:22 mustafar kernel:  hde: hde1
Feb 10 11:52:22 mustafar kernel: ide_do_rw_disk - bad command: dev hde:
Feb 10 11:52:22 mustafar kernel: sector 0, nr/cnr 8/8
Feb 10 11:52:22 mustafar kernel: bio 00000000, biotail 00000000, buffer
00000000, data 00000000, len 0
Feb 10 11:52:22 mustafar kernel: cdb: 1b 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00
Feb 10 11:52:37 mustafar kernel: pccard: card ejected from slot 0


+--------------- http://www.winstonsmith.info ---------------+
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| Marco A. Calamari marcoc@marcoc.it  http://www.marcoc.it   |
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