[Tech] ubifs disco ssd e supporto debian

Christian Surchi christian@firenze.linux.it
Mar 14 Ott 2008 18:18:26 CEST

Il giorno mar, 14/10/2008 alle 17.50 +0200, Andrea Zagli ha scritto:
> Il giorno mar 14 ott 2008 15:06:45 CEST, Fabio Nigi ha scritto:
> > [...]
> >
> > qualcuno ha già provato?
> io avevo capito che l'ubifs non va bene per gli ssd perche' anche se  
> sono flash vengono trattati come normali dischi duri


Big red note
One thing people have to understand when dealing with UBIFS is that
UBIFS is very different to any traditional file system - it does not
work on top of block devices (like hard drives, MMC/SD cards, USB flash
drives, SSDs, etc). UBIFS was designed to work on top of raw flash,
which has nothing to do with block devices. This is why UBIFS does not
work on MMC cards or USB flash drives - they look like block devices to
the outside world because they implement FTL (Flash Translation Layer)
support in hardware, which simply speaking emulates a block device on
top of the built-in flash chip. 


"L'arte non è uno specchio per riflettere il 
mondo, ma un martello con il quale colpirlo"
        -- Vladimir Vladimirovič Majakovskij

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