[Flug] [SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>] Sony VP On Stopping Napster

Christopher R. Gabriel cgabriel@softwarelibero.org
Mer 23 Ago 2000 09:17:41 CEST

Leggete attentamente questo annuncio fino alla fine.. mette i brividi.

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Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 03:00:11 -0400
Message-Id: <200008230700.DAA13614@delorie.com>
To: slashzot@delorie.com
From: SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>
Subject: Sony VP On Stopping Napster
Reply-To: slashzot@delorie.com

Sony VP On Stopping Napster

[1]akira-x writes "I spotted a link to an interesting (and
disturbing) article on [2]Gnutella News regarding some
comments that were made by Steve Heckler, senior vice
president of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. According to
him, Napster WILL lose, because "The [music] industry will
take whatever steps it needs to protect itself and protect
its revenue streams. It will not lose that revenue stream, no
matter what." The [3]disturbing part is what Heckler says
Sony will attempt to do to help them win: "Sony is going to
take aggressive steps to stop this," Heckler told the Summer
Forty-Niner. "We will develop technology that transcends the
individual user. We will firewall Napster at source -- we
will block it at your cable company, we will block it at your
phone company, we will block it at your [Internet-service
provider]. We will firewall it at your PC." "

[1] <REF:mailto:akira-x@fast.net>
[2] <REF:http://www.gnutellanews.com/>
[3] <REF:http://www.uwiretoday.com/computing081700001.html>

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