[Flug] [Philippe.Aigrain@cec.eu.int: [Freesw] Invitation to answer open consultation on software patentability]

Simone Piccardi piccardi@fi.infn.it
Ven 27 Ott 2000 15:50:59 CEST

> Christian Surchi wrote:
> Importante!
>    * Send your views no later than 20 November 2000. The consultation
>      process will be closed only a few weeks later, but considering
>      the calendar for other important events (Munich conference on
>      revision of the Patent Convention, consultation with Member
>      States), submissions meeting the November 2000 deadline are
>      likely to have a greater impact.
Non ho capito pero' dove inviarle.

Simone Piccardi
Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"

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