[Flug] [SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>] Slashdot Moving To FreeBSD

Christopher R. Gabriel cgabriel@softwarelibero.org
Lun 2 Apr 2001 15:07:51 CEST

Le motivazioni sono da leggere, IMHO.

Christopher R. Gabriel <cgabriel@softwarelibero.org>

Diffida di chi ti da' dei consigli e poi ti insulta, stronzo!
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Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 01:30:05 -0400
Message-Id: <200104020530.BAA05261@delorie.com>
To: slashzot@delorie.com
From: SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>
Subject: Slashdot Moving To FreeBSD
Reply-To: slashzot@delorie.com

Slashdot Moving To FreeBSD

Newsforge, Slashdot, Freshmeat, and all Mediabuilder sites
are moving to [1]FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT for its increased SMP
capabilities, this move should be completed by [2]Beltaine
(May 1st), leaving enough preparation time before the
festival to sacrifice a goat to the SCSI gods.

CmdrTaco seems to be excited about the move, knowing there
are several BSD experts on the network staff now.

"Linux's disorganization, and the fact it seems like a a
bunch of unconnected developers tried to write an OS with no
prior planning or agreements has been hard for us at Slashdot
who have to work with the Operating System. To the users,
there will be no difference, the upgrade will be seamless.
Trish and Jim will be happy and they will stop their
complaining about Linux," he said.

John Baldwin, a kernel hacker working on SMPng at [3]BSDI's
Open Source Division, said that "it should be able to handle
Slashdot just fine, Are we done yet? I have things to code."

This also reflects a shift in focus for OSDN, as we are
starting to move away from the politically charged Linux in
favor of more reasonable, stable OSes.

You're sure to hear more about this transition in the coming
weeks, along with some other important announcements.

[1] <REF:http://www.freebsd.org>
[2] <REF:http://www.witchvox.com/holidays/beltaine.html>
[3] <REF:http://www.bsdi.com>

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