[Flug] [SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>] EFF Releases Public Music License

Christopher R. Gabriel cgabriel@softwarelibero.org
Mer 25 Apr 2001 16:38:24 CEST


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Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:30:19 -0400
Message-Id: <200104251430.KAA23357@delorie.com>
To: slashzot@delorie.com
From: SlashZot <dj@delorie.com>
Subject: EFF Releases Public Music License
Reply-To: slashzot@delorie.com

EFF Releases Public Music License

[1]Robin Gross, one of the very nice people at the EFF[2][?]
wrote to us about their [3]new public music license. As the
press release states: "...EFF's Open Audio License allows
anyone to freely copy, share, perform, and adapt music in
exchange for providing credit to the artist for her gift to
humanity. EFF's Open Audio License enables musicians and
society to build upon and share creative expression, creating
a rich public commons. Artists who chose to release a song
under the public license can build their reputation by
offering unfettered access to their original works in
exchange for recognition. Open Audio works are designated as
"(O)" by the author and may be lawfully traded on file-
sharing systems such as Napster or played by traditional and
Web DJs royalty-free. Numerous musicians have traditionally
taken advantage of super-distribution of their music, such as
the Grateful Dead, a band that attributes much of its success
to its encouragement of fans to freely copy and share its
music. "EFF's Open Audience License hopes to use the power of
copyright to protect copyright's ultimate objectives: a
vibrant and accessible public domain, incentivising
creativity, and promoting the free exchange of ideas," said
EFF Staff Attorney for Intellectual Property Robin Gross.
"EFF's public music license strikes a new deal between
creators and the public, granting more freedoms to the public
to experience music while ensuring the artist is
compensated." You can read more details in the [4]FAQ and
more about their [5]Campaign for Audiovisual Free Expression.

[1] <REF:http://www.eff.org>
[2] <REF:http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=EFF>
[3] <REF:http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/20010421_eff_oal_1.0.html>
[4] <REF:http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/20010421_eff_oal_faq.html>
[5] <REF:http://www.eff.org/cafe/>

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