[Flug] Linux@Home

Christian Surchi christian@firenze.linux.it
Ven 27 Lug 2001 21:19:24 CEST

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 06:58:47PM +0200, Paolo Gaggini wrote:
> E' nato Linux@Home, 
> http://www.linux-at-home.net

Complimenti. Questo e' SPAM!

Christian Surchi   |   csurchi@debian.org   |   christian@firenze.linux.it    
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org 
-----------------> http://www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi <------------------
The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have
his head knocked off.                               -- Bill Conrad

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