[Flug] Re: flug digest, Vol 1 #226 - 18 msgs

Marco Bertini bertini@dsi.unifi.it
Mar 13 Mar 2001 12:32:42 CET

> Dal sito non ho capito come funziona winlinux, quindi domando: usa il
> filesystem vfat o istalla il proprio filesystem ext2 via loop su un file
> vfat? nel secondo caso non vedo grosse perdite di performances...

Da: http://www.winlinux.net/faq/faqlist.html?wcodclass=132

How does WinLinux file system (UMSDOS) compares to ext2?

You have a performance penalty for running on
top of FAT fs, but you share all free disk space
between Windows and Linux. 
You would not be trying to install a new 800MB
game/app and discover 
your 1GB free space is 500MB with Linux and
500MB with Windows. 
We have tested it and it only showed bad
performance when you have to open and close a
lot of files in a short time period. If you do
raw I/O the performance penalty is negligible.

Da: http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/UMSDOS-HOWTO-8.html

8.3 Performance issue 

The following point apply to Umsdos compared with Ext2. 

Directory management is faster on Ext2. This come from the overhead of
the double directory structure of Umsdos. 
File access (reading and writing) is probably faster on Umsdos than
Ext2. This come from the simplicity of the FAT file-system used by DOS.
Beware that this simplicity
come with a cost: 
A maximum of around 65,000 files or clusters per partitions. This also
means that a 500 megabytes partition will use cluster 16k large. In
other word, a file
containing a single byte will use 16k of disk storage. 
Everything is controlled by the FAT located at the beginning of the hard
drive. The DOS file-system is probably more fragile because of this. 
No provision to avoid fragmentation of files. A Umsdos system will
generally be used as a single user workstation. In this case, this does
not matter much. As a
multi-user engine, files will get spread-ed all around the drive,
lowering file access performance. 
Symbolic links are stored in normal file. If you intend to have a lot of
them, you will find that Umsdos use quite a lot of disk space compared
to Ext2. 

Secondo me un sistema WinLinux ha senso se usato su una singola
workstation, per cui non mi preoccuperei poi troppo delle prestazioni.

> Io comunque vorrei dargli un'occhiata, dato che siamo qui a ingegneria
> magari ci vediamo, eh marco?

Ti porto volentieri un CD, magari al seminario su GSL/GSDV.
Intanto a ieri sera ho fatto 7 CD da distribuire alla festa, stasera
dovrei finire gli ultimi 3 e quello da lasciare al FLUG.

Se impazzisco guardo di fare anche 5 Madrake 5.2, magari prendendole dal
mirror del GARR.


| Ing. Marco Bertini - http://viplab.dsi.unifi.it/~bertini
| Dipartimento Sistemi & Informatica
| Tel. +39-055-4796.540 - Fax: +39-055-4796.363
| Universita' di Firenze - Ingegneria elettronica

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