[Flug] Possibile disclaimer

Leandro Noferini leandro@firenze.linux.it
Mer 4 Giu 2003 18:51:38 CEST

Francesco Poli scriveva:

> Ditemi se questo puo` andare.
> E` riadattato dal disclaimer Debian (come suggerito da Christian).
> Meglio tradurlo in italiano?

Diciamo che _dobbiamo_ averlo in italiano, ogni ulteriore lingua
aggiunta male non può fare.

> Our mailing lists are public forums, and our mailing list archives are
> public.
> By sending an email to such a public forum, you agree to public
> distribution of your article.

Meglio sarebbe dire: accetti che i messaggi vengano pubblicati sul sito
del Flug.

> All mails sent to any of our mailing lists will be publically
> distributed and archived in our mailing list archives.
> Any emails sent by any one person directly to the list, or replies by
> others to those emails sent to the list, are considered published, in
> accordance with Italian law.

Così non va bene: o si cita la legge come si deve oppure non si dice

> Obviously the author still owns the copyright to the content of these
> emails that they have written. However, that does not mean that FLUG
> is under obligation to remove them from a list archive once published.
> Several legal counsels have reviewed this stance and confirmed it is
> correct.

Perché la vogliamo fare puzzolente? Se uno chiede che il suo messaggio
venga cancellato perché negarglielo?

> The mailing list archives have been public well before you sent a
> message to that mailing list address. You are responsible for
> determining who it is you are sending your email to. You cannot send
> email to arbitrary recipients and expect that they are automatically
> forced into accepting your terms for receiving your email.

Questo non capisco cosa significhi.

> FLUG accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted
> on its mailing lists by others.

Assunto UNO del Flug: *il Flug non esiste*

Da questo ne deriva che il Flug non può né accettare né rifiutare niente
a nessuno: dobbiamo riscriverlo dicendo che chi scrive qui si accolla
tutte le conseguenze di quanto scrive.

Visto che la cosa è lampante, perché scriverlo?

> FLUG disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on its
> mailing lists, whether posted by FLUG members or others;

Anche qui vale quanto detto sopra, aggiungendo che se uno scrive nelle
liste del Flug fa parte del Flug, quindi non esistono "gli altri".

> this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and
> fitness. In no event shall FLUG be liable for any special, indirect or
> consequential damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting
> from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection
> with the use of any information posted on a FLUG mailing list.


> By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that it
> owns the copyright with respect to such material, has received
> permission from the copyright owner, or that the material is in the
> public domain. The posting party further warrants and represents that it
> otherwise has the full and unencumbered right to post such material and
> that such posting will not infringe any rights or interests of others.

Vale quanto detto sopra.

> FLUG does not generally monitor its mailing lists for inappropriate
> postings, and does not undertake editorial control of postings. We do,
> however, reserve the right to prevent posting to mailing lists in the
> event of failure to comply with the mailing list code of conduct.

Non è mai successo che il Flug abbia buttato fuori qualcuno....

P.S.: vi prego no, l'associazione no.

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