[Flug] Firmate la petizione contro Verisign

Marco Ermini markoer@usa.net
Ven 26 Set 2003 19:14:33 CEST

On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 23:46:29 +0200, Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it>


Il sito ufficiale della petizione ICANN DNS contro Verisign è stato
spostato per apparenti problemi tecnici.

n.b.: siamo a circa 14800 firme adesso.

Ecco la nota ufficiale dei responsabili:



Due to the overwhelming public support for the "Stop Verisign DNS Abuse" 
petition, it knocked the PetitionOnline.com system for a loop! Signatures 
weren't being added for many hours today, and only the first 178 were

However, due to our supporters, it's back online at mirrors around the

WHOIS.SC managed to import the first 10,000 signatures and duplicate the 
PetitionOnline system on their own servers!

Go to: http://www.whois.sc/verisign-dns/

to add yourself online.

We also recommend:

1) Printing out the petition text and FAX it to ICANN, at: 1.310.823.8649 
(some folks don't think our supporters are "real" -- send them a fax, to 
let them know you are real).

2) E-mailing a copy of it to: icann@icann.org, twomey@icann.org and 

3) Supporting the ICANN Accountability Act of 2003 by contacting your 
government representatives using the links on that site. Visit:


The mirrors can be found at the following sites: (site may load slowly, due 
to huge support)

1. WHOIS.SC -- PRIMARY SYSTEM (can add your comments online!) -- 

2. LOFFS.com -- http://www.loffs.com/petition/ (will always have the latest 
mirror list)

3. Outboxes.com -- http://www.outboxes.com/petition/

4. TheRock.net -- http://www.therock.net/petition/

5. MMcomputers.com -- http://www.mmcomputers.com/petition/

6. IdealHosting.com -- http://www.idealhosting.com/petition/

7. LewR.com -- http://www.lewr.com/petition/

Please email me at George (at) LOFFS.com to add yourself as a mirror.

We've also sent a HARD-COPY of the first 10,000 signatures (300 pages!) to 
ICANN via FedEx, along with a cover letter (below). Watch its progress at:


We've asked that ICANN post YOUR input to:


along with their TIMELY response.


George Kirikos

Marco Ermini
http://macchi.markoer.org - ICQ 50825709 - GPG KEY 0x64ABF7C6 - L.U. #180221
Perche' perdere tempo ad imparare quando l'ignoranza e' istantanea? (Hobbes)
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