[Flug] [schneier: Microsoft Anti-Phishing and Small Businesses]
Leandro Noferini
Sab 23 Dic 2006 12:26:54 CET
Ciao a tutti,
visto che se ne parlava anche qui.
----- Forwarded message from schneier -----
Subject: Microsoft Anti-Phishing and Small Businesses
From: schneier
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 06:58:20 -0600
Microsoft has a new anti-phishing service in Internet Explorer 7 that will
turn the address bar green and display the website owner's identity when
surfers visit on-line merchants previously approved as legitimate. So far,
so good. But the service is only available to corporations: not to sole
proprietorships, partnerships, or individuals.
Of course, if a merchant's bar doesn't turn green it doesn't mean that
they're bad. It'll be white, which indicates "no information." There are
also yellow and red indications, corresponding to "suspicious" and "known
fraudulent site." But small businesses are [1]worried that customers will
be afraid to buy from non-green sites.
That's possible, but it's more likely that users will learn that the
marker isn't reliable and start to ignore it.
Any white-list system like this has two sources of error. False positives,
where phishers get the marker. And false negatives, where legitimate
honest merchants don't. Any system like this has to effectively deal with
EDITED TO ADD (12/21): Research paper: "[2]Phinding Phish: An Evaulation
of Anti-Phishing Toolbars," by L. Cranor, S. Egleman, J. Hong, and Y.
[3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG]
Visible links
1. http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB116649577602354120-5U4Afb0JPeyiOy1H_j3fVTUmfG8_20071218.html?mod=rss_free
2. http://www.cylab.cmu.edu/files/cmucylab06018.pdf
3. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/schneier/fulltext?a=jXPkGvOy
4. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/schneier/fulltext?a=wEsz6E40
5. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/schneier/fulltext?a=YNcQJAb0
6. http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2006/12/microsoft_antip.html
----- End forwarded message -----
Un esteso e "normale" uso della crittografia è il sistema più forte
per rivendicare il diritto alla privacy nelle comunicazioni
telematiche: come tutti i diritti e come i muscoli se non viene
esercitato costantemente si atrofizza e va perso.
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