[Flug] Release Candidate 0 of Grml 2010.12 available]

Francesco francesco@firenze.linux.it
Mar 21 Dic 2010 18:47:47 CET

.....senti ma te ...?

...e scusate se dico poco



We are proud to announce the first release canidate of the upcoming
version 2010.12 codename "Gebrüder Grml"!

For detailed information about the changes between 2010.04 and
2010.12 have a look at:


As usual we have different flavours available: the 32bit
versions grml, grml-medium and grml-small as well as the 64bit
versions grml64, grml64-medium and grml64-small.

Known issues can be found at:


Please test the ISOs and all the stuff you usually need and report
back - so we can provide stable releases soon. The stable release is
scheduled for end of december.

Download the ISOs from our newly designed(!) download webpage at

Happy hacking and have fun with Grml!

-mika- - in the name of the Grml team

Let's Drop The Knees Not The Bombs (Allen O'Bannon & Mike Clelland)
keyID 90675501 Key fingerprint = F747 9D1E E3C4 5572 0042  09F0 A852 529E 9067 5501
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