[Flug] SCaLE

Lapo lapo@inventati.org
Dom 18 Mar 2018 16:35:23 CET

Tanto cosi` per saperlo, ho trovato su una rivista da radioamatori (QEX)
l'annuncio che riporto di seguito (fatto con l'OCR, ci saranno errori).
Di la` dall'oceano si fanno cose di questo tipo, sembra che le idee non
gli manchino -al di la` dell'aggancio con i radioamatori- sembra che la
fascinazione per il sw libero e quell'immaginario di cui si parlava alla
cena a Pta al Prato di un po' di tempo fa` lo sappiano mantenere. Forse,
almeno dall'annuncio.


16th Annual Sauthern California
linux Expo (SCalE)

Pasadena, California

The 16th annual Southern California Linux
Expo (SCaLE) will be held March 8 - 11,
2018 at the Pasadena Convention Center,
Pasadena, California.

SCaLE is unique among computer shows
in that they offer event-resources to any
Open-source software group that has a
good story to tell. As a result, of the 1 50+
booths on the Exposition floor, about a third
aren't trying to sell you anything ... not for
money, anyway.

For years, SCaLE has highlighted many
specialty areas where technology overlaps
with the Linux and Open-source Community.
In 201 5, SCaLE began hosting annual
Amateur Radio representation as well, in
the form of: A Special Event radio station
(N65) operating live from PCC, manned by
hams from the Ventura County Amateur
Radio Society, to answer questions about
Amateur Radio and how it reIates to Linux
and the Open-source community; a spe-
cialty booth manned by the Amateur Radio
Emergency Data Network, demonstrating
and answering auestions about the ''Ham
Mesh Net'' project; and a license exam ses-
sion, Sunday, March t 1 , open to the pubIic.

In addition , SCaLE invites people to present
papers and discussions from all aspects of
the user community. This year they began
hosting an Amateur Radio related track of
speaker sessions; this year's sessions
include: Orv Beach W6BL, ''Linux and the
Ham Radio 'lnternet'''; Dr. Kate Hutton,
K6HTN, ''Amateur Radio Messaging, alive
and well in the 21 st Century''; Ben Kuo,
Al6YR, ''How Social Media, the lnternet,
and Ham Radio saved the day after
Hurricane Maria in Dominica''; and Stu
Sheldon, AG6AG, ''l just got my Amateur
Radio License, Now what???''For those
interested in getting started with Linux,
SCaLE holds training sessions (e.g.,
Saturday and Sunday mornings). These
sessions include an install-fest, encourag-
ing participants to bring a machine and
work one-on-one with SCaLE training proc-
tors to hetp get Linux installed and opera-
tional. ln the afternoon, a trainer from the
Linux Foundation covers basic system
administration skills. These classes are first
come, first served - so if you're interested,
come early to get a seat. Hardware require-
ments and other event related information is
posted on the SCaLE web site.

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