Alessandro Ronchi
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 20:45:05 +0200
At 17.25 28/04/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Il 05:22, sabato 28 aprile 2001, in merito a Re: [Folug]mdk8.0, hai
> > Se hai problemi con i font fammi sapere, perch=E8 nella lista di
> > development della mandrake hanno scritto come fare a risolverli...
>Qlc problemino c'=E8: dimmi che devo fare o dove debbo guardare...
Ecco, ti forwardo il messaggio arrivato nella lista di sviluppo della mdk.
>FROM: http://www.mandrakeuser.org/index.php
>Mandrake 8.0: Fixing ugly fonts in KDE ( Mandrake)
>Posted by tom on Wednesday, April 25 @ 09:18:45 PDT - (513 reads)
>The default font settings in the 8.0 KDE are sure to give you some serious
>headaches. I fixed three settings to make them look ok again:
>In '/etc/X11/fs/config': switch the positions of these lines (as 'root'):
>In KDE's Control Center: 'LookNFeel' - 'Fonts' change the setting for
>'Fixed Fonts' from 'courier' to 'lucidatypewriter'
>Do the same in the 'WebBrowsing' - 'Konqueror Browser' - Appearance'
>That should do (well, it did here ;-)). Of course, installing the standard
>Windows fonts using DrakFont helps, too.
>cooker@linux-mandrake.com writes:
> >I installed MDK 8 and got some strange font errors in Konquerer. I made
> >some
> >shots of the problem at http://kennedy.cit.com.br/shots
> >
> >The problem also appears in textboxes where I get the same ugly font
> >
> >It seems to do with konquerer only because in netscape the same page
> >renders
> >perfectly.
> >
> >Anyone has a solution ready?
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Mads Rasmussen
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