[Folug]Cominciamo a scrivere 'sta mail alla Zyxel
Alessandro Ronchi
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:10:48 +0100
Cominciamo a scriverla. Poi direi di metterla nel sito per dare una base a=
quelli che vogliono scrivere per richiedere specifiche per altro hardware.
Ora dovete aggiungere le vostre firme, calcando il pi=F9 possibile sul=
curriculum (in modo da mostrare che siamo persone serie e che=20
rappresentiamo in realt=E0 pi=F9 persone di quelle che siamo).
Una volta che quelli del folug avranno firmato, lo spediamo al Progetto=20
Aroma (un negozio di Faenza, che =E8 anche un rivenditore UFFICIALE dei=20
prodotti della Zyxel). I ragazzi del progetto sono gi=E0 d'accordo, e loro=
possono aggiungere il fatto che venderebbero pi=F9 modem se fosse supportato=
da linux.
Dopo questo passo lo spediremo a tutte le mailing list, erlug, angolinux,=20
ecc ecc. LINUX USB developer e Linux USB users ecc. ecc.
Sarebbe anche meglio fare un guestbook come ha fatto czoffoli sul nostro=20
sito, per firmare automaticamente la petizione.
MAgari chiedo a lui, ok?
Intanto controllate se ci sono errori e se cambiereste qualcosa.
To the attention of Zyxel international Technical Support.
In the past Zyxel had released the speciphics of some modems, like LCD PLUS=
and Omni 56k Plus Modem, that have helped the linux community to write a=20
driver and made them linux-compatible.
Based on the large number of Omni.net USB external modem selled by your=20
company, we ask to you to do the same for that model, and release its specs.
It's a good product, but it's lack is a driver for linux operating system.=
If the company think it's not profitable to write a linux driver for that=20
product, we thing that you can't think that it's not advantageous for you=20
business that any other person work for that without any charge.
Release the specs of "Omni.net USB" will help us to write the driver for=20
that modem, and help your company to sell in future more of that kind of=20
modem, without any cost at all for you.
Sure that you can appraise that business, we do our best greetings.
Below there are the sign of the communities and the persons who support=20
that request:
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Ronchi Alessandro, member of Forl=EC Linux User group (an italian LUG),=20
Littlepenguin developer.
Also rapresent students of the Bologna university in Science Technologies.
Ronchi Alessandro zoddo-
The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to
hang yourself. And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.