[Folug]meeting domenica alla circoscrizione

Ivan Fabris folug@lists.linux.it
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 10:50:23 +0100

piuttosto, davide, porta i giochi scaricati ( q2, q3 e wolf ).
chi ha altri giochi linuxabili li porti

BS:	You remind me of a man.
B:	What man?
BS:	The man with the power.
B:	What power?
BS:	The power of voodoo.
B:	Voodoo?
BS:	You do.
B:	Do what?
BS:	Remind me of a man.
B:	What man?
BS:	The man with the power...
		-- Cary Grant, "The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer"