[FoLUG]Slashdot : Microsoft Media Player "Security Patch" Changes EULA Big Time

Ivan folug@lists.linux.it
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 20:48:22 +0200

Microsoft Media Player "Security Patch" Changes EULA Big Time

MobyTurbo writes "In an article on BSD Vault a careful reader posts that
in the latest Windows Media Player security patch, the EULA (the
"license agreement" you click on) says that you give MS the right to
install digital rights management software, and the right to disable any
other programs which may circumvent DRM on your computer." So if you
want your machine secure, you also want microsoft to have free reign on
your PC. 


   (@_  Ivan Fabris, S. Sofia (FC)  PowerPC & Linux Debian Woody  _*)
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