[FoLUG] msg di prova

Francesco sizukesa@inwind.it
Ven 17 Ott 2003 13:12:07 CEST

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:07:45 +0200
Francesco <sizukesa@inwind.it> wrote:

> scusate lo spam ma mi pare che le mie mail non arrivino in lista...
> -- 
> Francesco

Ok tutto funzia ora...
> (o_                                    (o_
> //\                                    //\
> V_/_....Powered By Debian GNU/Linux....V_/_
> "What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror...
> Then we shall see face to face...."


(o_                                    (o_
//\                                    //\
V_/_....Powered By Debian GNU/Linux....V_/_

"What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror...
Then we shall see face to face...."

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