[FoLUG] Revolution OS
Ruffilli Simone
Lun 27 Ott 2003 13:23:53 CET
michele.mordenti@tin.it wrote:
>Finalmente si hanno notizie ufficiali...
>... a qundo in libreria?
Poi mi dite com'è il libro?
Io ho visto solo il documentario in inglese...
Una breve citazione:
<citation person="Eric Raymond">
I was at Agenda2000, and one of the people who was there was Craig
Mundie, who is some kind of high mucky muck at Microsoft, vice-president
of consumer product of something like that. I hadn't actually meet him,
I bumped in to him in an elevator and I looked at his badge and said,
"Oh, I see You work for Microsoft."
And he looked back to me and said "Oh Yeah. And what do you do?"
And I said "I'm your worst nightmare"
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