[FoLUG]permission e vari

GG Noris gigi@pclinx.it
Mer 24 Set 2003 11:31:46 CEST

devo rimuovere un file da una directory di log sono root e non mi lascia

ho provato:

[root@mx1 main]# rm -fv @400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s*
removing `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s'
rm: cannot unlink `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s': Operation not permitted
removing `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s~'
[root@mx1 main]# rm -fv @400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.*
removing `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s'
rm: cannot unlink `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s': Operation not permitted
[root@mx1 main]# ll
total 184
-rwxr--r--    1 qmaill   root        98019 Sep  4 14:54
-rw-r--r--    1 qmaill   root        80101 Sep 24 10:19 current
-rw-------    1 qmaill   root            0 Sep 17 12:49 lock
-rw-r--r--    1 qmaill   root            0 Sep 23 17:30 state

[root@mx1 main]# chmod 777 @400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s
chmod: changing permissions of `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s': Operation
not permitted

[root@mx1 main]# chown root:root @400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s
chown: changing ownership of `@400000003f57361c0b97c7f4.s': Operation
not permitted

[root@mx1 main]#

non so che fare.....

ero convinto che root fosse zupperman ... ma evidentemente sto'
sbagliando qualcosa..


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