[FoLUG] yum check-update

CyberPenguin giov.abb@inwind.it
Sab 20 Nov 2004 19:15:38 CET

Tentando un yum check-update, da alcuni giorni, ricevo 'sto output qui:

# yum check-update
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)
Server: Fedora Core 1 - i386 - Base - EDISONTEL
Server: Dag APT Repository
retrygrab() failed for:
Executing failover method
failover: out of servers to try
Error getting file http://apt.sw.be/redhat/fc1/en/i386/dag/headers/header.info
[Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

cos'e' ... e' down il server?
Se cosi' ... dallo yum.conf mi basta eliminare le righe relative al Dag APT 

Tnx ;-)
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