[FoLUG] Toshiba A60-332 e SuSE 9.0

sizukesa77@tiscali.it sizukesa77@tiscali.it
Ven 17 Set 2004 09:53:53 CEST

>-- Messaggio Originale --
>Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 06:32:24 +0200
>Subject: Re: [FoLUG] Toshiba A60-332 e SuSE 9.0
>From: "sballardini@libero.it" <sballardini@libero.it>
>To: "folug" <folug@lists.linux.it>
>Reply-To: Forlí Linux User Group <folug@lists.linux.it>

Il modem ha un sottosistema compatibile Intel hsf 536ep, qui sotto trovi
gli indirizzi dei pacchetti
suse compatibili con il chip. Provali nell'ordine che ti ho indicato(nel
numero difianco): 

>Locations on the 6 CD Professional set are:

>CD4/suse/i586/smartlink-softmodem-2.7.9-89.i586.rpm  - the slmodemd
>daemon 3
>CD3/suse/i586/km_smartlink-softmodem-2.7.9-89.i586.rpm - slmodem driver
>compiling  3 

>CD4/suse/i586/hsflinmodem-5.03.27mbsibeta02122600-92.i586.rpm - softmodem
>configuration 2
>CD4/suse/i586/km_hsflinmodem-5.03.27mbsibeta02122600-92.i586.rpm -softmodem
>driver code 2

>installation report - http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/archive-fourth/msg00458.html
>CD4/suse/i586/Intel-536ep-4.51-200.i586.rpm  1

>Some pre-compiled SuSE 9.0 packages for the 2.4.21-99-default kernel are
>available at:
>      http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/SuSE-9.0/
>  including AgereSoftModem and the Intel537 modems

> Internal_test:   ./scanModem test 1002:434d 1179:0001 SuSE 2.4.21-99-default
> The soft modem Subsystem operates under a controller
>     1002:434d  ATI  capable of supporting modem Subsystem chips from:
>	Intel
> First accessing chipset provider and modem assembler information
> for the modem SubSystem under the AC97 or MC97 Controller.
> === Checking 1179 through chipset providers and modem assemblers ====
> Vendor 1179 is Toshiba, using some motherboards with soft modems.
> Vendor=8086 is Intel, Inc. producing HaM and 536ep host controller free
>(HCF) modems, 537 soft modem
> and AC97 and MC97 controllers managing a varierty of non-Intel soft modem
> These subSystems often have PCI_IDs assigned by the modem assembler, rather
>than the chip provider.
> Download available drivers from:  http://developer.intel.com/design/modems/support/drivers.htm
> Also check at: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/resources.html
> for beta releases and perhaps Already compiled drivers for some Linux
> ---------------------

Puoi provare anche questi:

>  Within http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/Intel
>  there are packages with compiled Intel 537 drivers for 2.4.nn kernels
>name formats like:
>          intel-537EP_SuSE-9.0_2.4.21-99-default_ONLY.tgz
> The installer code candidate is:
>	Intel_secure-537AA-

Buon divertimento, dovresti farcela!

Tiscali Adsl 640 Free: fino al 15 novembre i consumi sono GRATIS!
Se sottoscrivi un'Adsl Free 640 entro il 30 settembre avrai gratis tutti
i consumi fino al 15/11/04 compreso! In piu' sono gratis il modem in comodato
e l'attivazione. Cosa aspetti? Prima attivi, piu' risparmi. Attivala subito!

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