[FoLUG] immagine disco

Alessandro Ronchi alessandro@aronchi.org
Ven 17 Set 2004 13:39:05 CEST

Il ven, 2004-09-17 alle 12:41, Fabio Massi ha scritto:

> Vi ringrazio, proverò ad utilizzare le varie opzioni e vedrò cosa succede, io 
> pensavo si potesse fare solo con un programma software specifico. Cmq i due 
> hd risiedono sullo stesso pc, quello da 80gb contiene windows ed è quello su 
> cui migrerò la debian.

Infatti, si può fare con un unico programma, le altre sono velide
alternative ma non sei obbligato a provarle tutte.

Dal sito

Description: Partition Image is a Linux/UNIX utility which saves
partitions in many formats (see below) to an image file. The image file
can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and
split into multiple files to be copied on removable floppies (ZIP for
example), ... Partitions can be saved across the network since version

Partition Image will only copy data from the used portions of the
partition. For speed and efficiency, free blocks are not written to the
image file. This is unlike the 'dd' command, which also copies empty
blocks. Partition Image also works for large, very full partitions. For
example, a full 1 GB partition can be compressed with gzip down to

This is very useful to save partitions to an image in some cases:

      * First you can restore your linux partition if there is a problem
        (virus, file system errors, manipulation error) . When you have
        a problem, you just have to restore the partition, and after 10
        minutes, you have the original partition. You can write the
        image to a CD-R if you don't want the image to use hard-disk
      * This utility can be used to install many identical PCs. For
        example, if you buy 50 PCs, with the same hardware, and you want
        to install the same linux systems on all 50 PCs, you will save a
        lot of time. Indeed, you just have to install on the first PC
        and create an image from it. For the 49 others, you can use the
        image file and Partition Image's restore function.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alessandro Ronchi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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