[FoLUG] linux counter
Mar 15 Feb 2005 17:28:55 CET
Italy is no. 32 in the density statistics, with 98.8818 users/Mpop
Italy needs 989 more users to pass Bulgaria and become no. 31
Latvia needs 5 more users to pass Italy and become no. 32
almeno qui a forli' e dintorni, vediamo di darci una mossa. registratevi
su counter.li.org e rendiamo la romagna un posto ben abitabile per i
pinguini :)
(@_ Ivan Fabris, S. Sofia (FC,it) PowerPC e Debian GNU/linux SID _*)
//\ www.folug.org pgp key @ www.keyserver.net /\\
V_/_ Socio Fondatore e presidente del Forli' Linux User Group _\_V
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