[gl-como] pre-corso blender

Flaper87 flaper87@gmail.com
Mar 25 Mar 2008 13:29:19 CET


2008/3/25, Divilinux <divilinux@ubuntu-it.org>:
> Anche io sono interessato
> ;)
> --
> Ubuntu-it
> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xCAFA17BE&op=index
> --
> Mailing list info: http://lists.linux.it/listinfo/gl-como

Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
Usuario Linux registrado #436538
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Debian of course.
Key Fingerprint: CFC0 C67D FF73 463B 7E55  CF43 25D1 E75B E2DB 15C7
The Solution to everything:
python -c "from struct import pack; print  pack('5b', (41*len('99')),
pow(8,2)+20, 4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)"
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