[gl-como] Aggiornamento sul colorhug

~redShadow~ redshadow@hackzine.org
Ven 13 Gen 2012 00:53:08 CET

Cito per esteso dato che non sembra esista la possibilitá su G+ di
linkare direttamente al commento..

«ColorHug  -  +Kay Sievers I was advised to do something like this by my
bank business manager. Apparently a lot of people in the EU order
products, sign for it in a different name and then claim the parcel
never arrived. In the UK you have to refund the cost to the consumer,
even if you suspect they are actually using it. You can't just require
that everyone has tracked shipping as:

* it's quite expensive, especially for a low cost device
* you have to spend ages with filling in forms to the post office to get
any kind of compensation back (and then it's 3 months before you get any
* It's not available for certain EU countries (cough, Italy, cough) due
to things being marked as registered being more likely stolen as the
thief thinks it's more valuable.

I'm not trying to form a dictatorship, all the code is open source and
all the hardware design is open too, but I can't afford to loose money
on the first batch from a few people taking advantage. I'm kinda
insulted given how open I'm being with everything. We discussed the
feature in great detail in previous blog posts and I thought we had come
to a consensus. Perhaps I was wrong.»

..ma possibile che c'é sempre di mezzo l'italia quando succedono 'ste
robe? (immagino a chi si possa riferire anche nella prima frase, dicendo
che in "certi paesi UE la gente firma con nome falso e poi dice di non
aver ricevuto il pacchetto")..

basta, mi trasferisco in svizzera.

Samuele ~redShadow~ Santi

  Blog: http://hackzine.org

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