glug:I beatles avevano capito tutto...

Giorgio Zoppi
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 23:12:38 +0100

per il post ma questa era troppo bella: 

| WRITE IN C ("Let it  | IMAGINE           | YESTERDAY                | 
| Be")                 |                   |                          | 
| When I find my code  | Imagine there's no| Yesterday,               | 
| in tons of trouble,  | Windows,          |  All those backups seemed| 
|  Friends and         |  It's easy if you | a waste of pay.          | 
| colleagues come to   | try.              |  Now my database has gone| 
| me,                  |  No fatal errors  | away.                    | 
|  Speaking words of   | or new bugs       |  Oh I believe in         | 
| wisdom:              |  To kill your hard| yesterday.               | 
|  "Write in C."       | drives.           |                          | 
|                      |                   |  Suddenly,               | 
|  As the deadline fast|  Imagine Mr. Bill |  There's not half the    | 
| approaches,          | Gates             | files there used to be,  | 
|  And bugs are all    |  Leaving us in    |  And there's a milestone | 
| that I can see,      | peace!            |  hanging over me         | 
|  Somewhere, someone  |                   |  The system crashed so   | 
| whispers:            |  Imagine          | suddenly.                | 
|  "Write in C."       | neverending hard  |                          | 
|                      | disks,            |  I pushed something wrong| 
|  Write in C, Write in|  It isn't hard to |  What it was I could not | 
| C,                   | do.               | say.                     | 
|  Write in C, oh,     |  Nothing to del or|                          | 
| Write in C.          | wipe off          |  Now all my data's gone  | 
|  Cobol's dead and    |  And no floppy too| and I long for           | 
| buried,              |                   | yesterday-ay-ay-ay.      | 
|  Write in C.         |  Imagine Mr. Bill |                          | 
|                      | Gates             |  Yesterday,              | 
|  I used to write a   |  Sharing all his  |  The need for back-ups   | 
| lot of FORTRAN,      | money.            | seemed so far away.      | 
|  For science it      |                   |  I knew my data was all  | 
| worked flawlessly.   |  You may say I'm a| here to stay,            | 
|  Try using it for    | hacker,           |  Now I believe in        | 
| graphics!            |  But I'm not the  | yesterday                | 
|  Write in C.         | only one.         |                          | 
|                      |  I hope someday   |                          | 
|  If you've just spent| you'll join us    |                          | 
| nearly 30 hours,     |  And your games   |                          | 
|  Debugging some      | will fit in RAM   |                          | 
| assembly,            |                   |                          | 
|  Soon you will be    |  Imagine 1-Giga   |                          | 
| glad to              | RAM               |                          | 
|  Write in C.         |  I wonder if you  |                          | 
|                      | can.              |                          | 
|  Write in C, Write in|  No need for      |                          | 
| C,                   | left-shifts or    |                          | 
|  Write in C, yeah,   | setups            |                          | 
| Write in C.          |  And no booting   |                          | 
|  BASIC's not the     | again and again.  |                          | 
| answer.              |                   |                          | 
|  Write in C.         |  Imagine all the  |                          | 
|                      | systems           |                          | 
|  Write in C, Write in|  Working all      |                          | 
| C                    | life-time!        |                          | 
|  Write in C, oh,     |                   |                          | 
| Write in C.          |  You may say I'm a|                          | 
|  Pascal won't quite  | hacker,           |                          | 
| cut it.              |  But I'm not the  |                          | 
|  Write in C.         | only one.         |                          | 
|                      |  Maybe someday    |                          | 
|                      | I'll be a cracker |                          | 
|                      |  And then I'll    |                          | 
|                      | make Windows run. |                          | 


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"Everything should be as simple as possible, 
but not simpler" - Albert Einstein.	    