glug:[ [ANNOUNCE] OpenPKG 1.0 (cross-platform RPM-based Unix software packaging)]
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 15:48:41 +0100

----- Forwarded message from "Ralf S. Engelschall" <> -----

Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 12:39:24 +0100
From: "Ralf S. Engelschall" <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] OpenPKG 1.0 (cross-platform RPM-based Unix software packaging)
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.24i
Organization: Engelschall, Germany.
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Please excuse this slightly off-topic posting.

People have wondered what I've done over the last 14 months and why
further development on mod_ssl and my engagement in the OpenSSL
and Apache projects had to be slowed down in this time. Most of my
contributions were moved to the silent background. Some people even
feared that Ralf is doing closed source software development now. No,
the opposite is true. I'm still the same Open Source fanatic, believe
me. I just avoided to make something public until is is really ready
for the public. But since today the result of over one year of strong
development is now publically available and I'm proudly announcing it:
OpenPKG, the world of cross-platform RPM-based Unix software packaging.

OpenPKG is one of the largest projects I've ever done in my life. My
development team at Cable & Wireless Germany plus dozens of contributors
have helped together since November 2000 to solve a problem I already
tried to solve two times in the last 10 years. And the third solution
OpenPKG is the one which finally successfully solved it (at least for
me ;) We are using it in production since April 2001 to establish all
customer servers in the Internet Solution Center (ISC) of Cable &
Wireless Germany and certainly there will be some other groups in this
world which benefit from our work, too. That's why it is both based on
Open Source software and itself released again as Open Source.

If you want to know more, glance over the attached PR text and visit our
project site at Thanks for listening and...
happy packaging! Oh, and we have also packaged OpenSSL and Apache+modssl
in OpenPKG, of course ;)

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
Now available:
OpenPKG 1.0

A flexible and powerful software packaging facility, OpenPKG eases
installation and administration of Unix software across several
platforms. It primarily targets the Unix platforms FreeBSD, Linux
and Solaris, but is portable across mostly all modern Unix flavors.
Consolidating different vendor approaches into a unified architecture,
it assists in administration of large networks previously complicated by
nonconformant systems.

OpenPKG leverages proven technologies like Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
and neatly provides an additional system layer on top of the operating
system. It is a fully self-contained with minimal external dependencies
(no RPM pre-installation required), and installs itself by means of a
tricky bootstrapping procedure with minimal operating system intrusion.
OpenPKG especially supports multiple installation instances on the same

OpenPKG was created in November 2000 and after over one year of
development it is already a mature technology in production use. It
is available as Open Source and is further maintained by both Ralf S.
Engelschall's development team at Cable & Wireless Germany and their

For more details visit:

OpenSSL Project                       
User Support Mailing List          
Automated List Manager                 

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Giorgio Zoppi		| James Bond Log Project				 |	| |	|							 |