Donald Malani
Sab 9 Ago 2003 16:14:04 CEST

Donald Malani

                                  HIGHLY   CONFIDENTIAL

You may be surprised to receive this message from me since you don't know me 
in person but for the purpose Of introduction, I am Mr. Donald Malani, the
son of late Chief Jamie Malani, who was assisinated because of a land dispute in ZIMBABWE.
My late father was among the few black Zimbabwean rich farmers murdered in
cold blood by the agent of the ruling government of President ROBERT MUGABE
for his alleged support and Sympathy for Zimbabwean opposition party.

Before the death of my father, he took me to South Africa to deposit the sum 
of fifteen million two Hundred thousand US Dollars ($15.2m) with a security
and finance company, as if he knew the looming danger In Zimbabwe. The money 
was deposited as gem or precious stone to avoid much demurrage from the
Security firm. But they are to give us back in cash equivalent to the amount. 
This money was earmarked for the purchase of new machinery and chemicals for 
our farms and the establishment of new farms in Lesotho and Swaziland.

This land problem arose when President R.  MUGABE introduced a new land act
which wholly affects the White rich farmers and some few blacks vehemently
condemned the 'MODUS OPERANDI' adopted by the government. This resulted to
rampant killing and mob actions. I, my brother and my mother who are
currently staying in Holland as refugees' asylum seekers and we have owed the 
money through a contact at a security company here in Holland with a branch
in South Africa.

We were advised by our contact that the only way we can collect this our consignment back is to get a foreign partner whom we can use a the new beneficiary to the consignment. I am now faced with the dilemma of collecting this money from the security
company by ourselves because we are refugees and also, we do not want the
money to be traced to us. It is unlawful to transfer money in this way but that was the only option which we had in order not to loose the only remaining inheritance. We need you to come up as the new beneficiary and the next of kin to this
consignment so that you can help us receive the consignment/money from the
security company for us all. If you agree, we shall give you all the documents covering this consignment and  paper work to put you as the next of kin and beneficiary. I must let you know that this
business is 100% risk Free, timely and the nature of your business does not
necessarily matter. So if you are willing to assist us, I and my family have 
agreed to give you 20% of the Total money, while 75% will be for I and my
family which we shall also invest in your Country with your advice and the
remaining 5% will be mapped out for any incidental expenses which we may
incur during this transaction.

Please be interested to render the needed assistance and endeavour to reply through my guadian's telephone number or reply me through my private email address as above. Remember that this discussion is highly confidential and the Success of this whole transastion depends on how secret it is kept. I shall bring you into a more detailed picture of this transaction when you reply me. I await your quick response.

Best Regards,

Donald Malani.

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