glug:RE:Thank you!
Mer 20 Ago 2003 12:25:50 CEST

In uw e-mail en/of attachment(s) naar
is een virus aangetroffen.
Scenarios/File Blocker: A filename matching the file mask was detected: 'document_all.pif'.
Scenarios/Incoming/Content Scanner: Threat: 'Sobig.F@mm, Infected' detected by 'Norman Virus Control for MIMEsweeper'.

Derhalve wordt deze niet doorgestuurd naar
en in quarantine gehouden.
Wij verzoeken u om uw email en/of attachment(s) eerst te scannen met een recente antivirus scanner en het dan opnieuw te proberen.

There has been a virus detected in your email or/and in your attachment(s) to
Scenarios/File Blocker: A filename matching the file mask was detected: 'document_all.pif'.
Scenarios/Incoming/Content Scanner: Threat: 'Sobig.F@mm, Infected' detected by 'Norman Virus Control for MIMEsweeper'.

This email will not be sent to
and will be kept in quarantine.
We request to scan your email and/or attachment(s) with a uptodate virus scanner and then try again.

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