glug:Helping Hand Needed !!!

Sat, 22 Mar 2003 11:01:02 -0800

My Dear Beneficiary=2C
It is with heartfelt hope that I write to seek your
co-operation and  assistance in the context stated
below=3AMay I first introduce my self=3A I am DR=2E=28MRS=2E=29
MARIAM ABACHA=2Cthe wife of Late General Sani Abacha =28former
Military head of state and President of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria=29 who died suddenly on 8th June
1998=2E I got your contact through the help of my
sister-inlaw that works  with the Canadian Chambers of Commerce and
Tourrism=2Cdue=2CI did not disclose 
to her my humble intention for a honest foreigner who
will help save my life and my children=2E Having noted the confidence
reposed on your person by 
the sponsor of the recommendation=2C I became convinced
of your capability 
and goodwill to assist me in receiving the sum of
US$20 Million secretly 
willed in my favour by the late general =28my husband=29=2E

This money was kept in a Security Company in Amsterdam
Holland and I have  all documents with me as of when it was deposited  in
a Security Vault for  safe keeping=2EThis money has been defaced for Security
reasons and also to  avoid it been spent by unauthorized persons=2EWe have
been deliberating on  how to invest this fund abroad in a confidential
manner until we came to a  conclusion to use it to buy houses and part of it will
be used for  non-speculative investments in your
country=2EHowever=2Cthe current civilian  administration of retired General Olusegun
Obasanjo=28The President of the  Federal Republic of Nigeria=29 is
seeking vengeance on the Abacha family because of the
life prison jail  sentence confirmed on him by my late husband while in
office=2E In pursuit of  this vendetta=2Cthe present Government have resolved to
freeze all known  assets of General Sani Abacha including properties at
home and abroad and  are presently embarking on to seize the various bank
accounts of my husband  in Switzerland=2CUK and Australia=2E In fact=2C the attack
on our family =28The  Abacha's=29 is so devastated to an extent of seizing our
travelling  passport=2Cfamily accounts and even trying some members
of our family in  court for offences allegedly committed by my late
husband=2E=2EMy first son Mohammed Abacha who was arristed
and incacerated for the past 3years was just reliesed
from prison on the agreement to refund $1=2E5 Billion to
the Federal Government of Nigeria allegedly stollen by
my late Husband=2EWe are not ready to comply to this as
most of the family assets and bank accounts abroad
have been Freezen by the Obasanjo regime=2E

In view of this grevious threat to our Economic and
personal survival=2Cour  family trustee have secretly protected the will=2CThe
Security Company has  called me to do something about claiming this
consignment because of the demurrage it is incurring and I told them we would
come and claim it very soon but they seriously advised me to move the fund
into an overseas  amount=2C hence the reason why I have chosen you and
hope that you will come  to my full assistance and unlimited
co-operation=2EIn the meantime=2Cthere is a travelling embargo on us=28the whole 
family members=29 and our local accounts are seized=2E We are currently living 
on goodwill of people who believe we cannot be held
responsible for the  sins of my late husband=2E In view of this plight=2C I
expect you to be  trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this
distressed call to save me  and my children from a hopeless future=2E And if you
agree to help=2C we will  compensate you sincerely for your candid effort in
this regard with 25% of  the total amount of $20 Million US Dollars=2E
In that case=2C when the money =28$20 Million=29 is moved
into your discrete account=2C you will be allowed to withdraw 25%
in your favour=2Cwhile 10% has been set aside for any
expenses you might incure  =28There are demurrage to pay before the fund is sign
and claimed by you=2E=29during the process of securing this fund=2E
The remaining 65% will be invested meaningfully for my
children's future=2E My cousin =28DR=2EFEMI MARTIN=29 has perfected arrangements
with the Trust  Company concerned and has been assured 100% risk free
and safe operation=2EWhat I demand from you now is to arrange to
visit the Finance  Company where this money is being deposited and claim
it as the bona-fide owner=2E

And in due course=2C please all contacts must be made through DR FEMI MARTINS through this E-mail address=3A
femimartins1us=40presidency=2Ecom or femimartins=40ecplaza=2Enet Tel=3A234-803-7160531=2E

I look forward to your quick response while thanking
you for your co-operation=2E In view of all above
details=2C I request you to keep this letter and
co-operation highly confidential=2E

Best wishes=2C