glug: Re: fatevi 2 risate

Mer 5 Nov 2003 07:42:59 CET

... "And since all of my buddies at work use Windows Media Player 9 to rip,
mix and burn CDs that we can't share with each other or play in the car, we
are extremely excited about the Windows Media Player 10 beta that comes
integrated with Advanced Server 2003. Now we can rip, mix and burn right on
the server!" ...

Questo qui ha proprio capito tutto sull'utilita' di un server di rete ...
sigh sob.
Probabilmente il corso della microsoft fa di questi effetti ... stile
lavaggio del cervello. :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefano Sartini" <>
To: "La mailing-list del Genuense Linux User Group" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 2:35 PM
Subject: glug: fatevi 2 risate

> :)
> ste


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