glug: James Momodu

James Momodu
Ven 17 Ott 2003 16:44:05 CEST

Dear Sir,

I got your esteemed address from the internet during my search for a reliable Individual/company who can jointly handle strictly confidential transaction with me which involves the transfer of a reasonable sum of money to a foreign Bank account. 

Due to the nature of this business transaction, a neutral person like you is preferred. For introductory purpose, I am JAMES Momodu Pujeh, The son of Momdu Pujeh, former transport and communications minister in Sierra Leone who has been recently convicted for two years for illegally possessing 638.81 carats of diamonds valued at $36,500. 

My father was sacked in November 2001 after the Anti-Corruption Commission alleged that he and my mother had been involved in diamond trafficking in Kenema, in the eastern part of Sierra Leone. My father won a seat in parliamentary elections held last year but is expected to resign following his conviction. My mother, Mary Momodu, is due to be tried next month November on similar charges. 

You may have heard how a lot of my father's bank account in Switzerland and North America has been frozen. Following the outlined reasons for investigation, I am soliciting for your esteemed organization’s confidential assistance to take custody of Thirteen Million, five hundred thousand United States Dollars (US$13,500,000.00) and also to front for my family in the areas of business you consider profitable. 

These Consignments containing the funds have secretly been concealed and deposited with a Diplomatic Security firm where it can easily be taken delivery of by a recommended beneficiary. The consignment containing the funds will be released to your
organization by the Security firm based on my recommendations on that note; you will be presented as our partner who will be fronting for me and my family in any subsequent ventures.

I have made my first visit to the security company and the document entitled to clear this money is with a finance security company in Holland. On our arrival in the Netherlands few weeks ago, we sought for political asylum; which was granted. 

Already, my sister and I are making frantic effort on the best way to handle this money. We sought advice from an attorney who advised that we must seek for a trustworthy foreign business partner whom can invest this fund in a profitable venture. 

This we view as the best option because our refugee status dose not permit us to operate a bank account, hence we seek your assistance and hope you could be trusted.
Meanwhile, I sincerely ask for your assistance to get this money through your account. I and my mother have decided to give 25% to your organization if you are able to help us claim this consignment. And 5% will be use for upsetting all the expenses incurred in the course of concluding this venture and the remaining 70% that will be for me and my family. 

Please, I need your entire support and co-operation for the success of this business ventures, your utmost confidentiality and secrecy is highly required, due to my family's present predicament. Also you stand to gain from any investment you might introduce us into after the conclusion of the transfer. Please keep this confidential until we finalize and get this money into your account for security reasons. 

I am presently in the refugee camp here in the Netherlands under the United Nations and I can be reached by responding to the following email address:

Kind regards,

Mr. James Momodu


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