glug: driver NVidia con più kernel

Angelo Naselli
Sab 24 Apr 2004 19:06:48 CEST

Passi per avere i due kernel 2.4 e 2.6 insieme, ma per due versioni diverse
del 2.6 l'albero sorgente non sarà così diverso.
Qualcuno è riuscito ad usare l'opzione dell'nvidia installer?
-K, --kernel-module-only
  Install a kernel module only, and don't uninstall the existing driver.  This 
is intended to be
  used to install kernel modules for additional kernels (in cases where you 
might boot between
  several different kernels).  To use this option, you must already have a 
driver installed, and
  the version of the installed driver must match the version of this kernel 
o l'opzione
k, --kernel-name=[KERNELNAME]
  Build and install the NVIDIA kernel module for the non-running kernel 
specified by [KERNELNAME]
  ([KERNELNAME] should be the output of `uname -r` when the target kernel is 
actually running).
  This option implies '--no-precompiled-interface'.  If the options 
'--kernel-install-path' and
  '--kernel-source-path' are not given, then they will be inferred from 
  '/lib/modules/[KERNELNAME]/kernel/drivers/video/' and 

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